Adults (18+ years)

Know the Symptoms

Adults (18+ years)

It’s important to remember that many of these symptoms are extremely common and experiencing one by itself is rarely a sign of a brain tumour. However, being aware of all the potential symptoms can help you be ready to take action if two or more symptoms are experienced at the same time.
Some symptoms are difficult to spot if you’re experiencing them yourself, so if you notice a loved one showing the signs of a brain tumour, don’t be afraid to start a conversation with them about it.
If symptoms persist for more than two weeks, you should speak to a doctor as soon as possible.
If symptoms develop quickly or are severe, call 999 or go to the emergency department.

Persistent / recurrent headaches

Headaches are extremely common, but you should keep an eye out for persistent headaches that occur most days, particularly when waking up.


A persistent feeling of being tired, weak, worn out, slow or heavy that could manifest as a lack of energy or difficulty concentrating.

Seizures or fits

A seizure can be a brief moment when somebody appears to be “absent” from what is going on around them, or jerking/twitching of a hand, arm, leg or the whole body.

Nausea / Vomiting

Persistent vomiting or feeling sick, especially when not accompanied by diarrhoea or a high temperature.

Memory problems

Memory difficulties can affect your short-term and long-term memory.

Problems with vision

You should particularly pay attention to when changes to your vision occur suddenly, including partial or complete loss of sight, double vision or blurred vision.

Cognitive changes

Changes to cognitive abilities include difficulties with concentrating, learning, decision making, planning and problem solving.

Speech difficulties

This includes difficulties with understanding or expressing language, as well as slurred or slow-sounding speech.

Loss of taste and smell

As well as a loss of taste and smell, this could also be experiencing strange tastes and smells.

Balance problems

This could mean stumbling or falling over more often, experiencing dizziness or vertigo or feeling more unsteady when walking unaided.

Numbness or tingling in extremities

You may notice a numbness or tingling in the face, arms, hands, legs and feet.